Growing up, I lived in a good family household… most wouldn’t expect what would happen over the years as I grew up. I’m currently 24 and I started using at the age of 12, it started off with simple partying with friends to rapidly turning into an every day “where is my next fix” drug use. At the age of 17, I was a full-blown heroin addict along with any other drug under the moon… But that’s enough of my old life, nothing good happened during those 12 years. I originally came to U-Turn for Christ on July 2nd, 2016… I was stubborn, I was practiced Odinism, I worshiped Nordic gods and never believed in God or Christ so coming to a Christ-centered rehabilitation center was the worst sounding idea to me, I ended up walking after being there 3 weeks trying once again to do things on my own. God had a different plan for me, I was gone for a week and the Lord used my parents to bring me back to U-Turn for Christ, this time things changed. My heart had been softened by our Gracious and Merciful Father God… I cried out to him while digging my hole for walking, and I made a promise to him, I asked him to help me because I was tired, tired of hurting myself and the ones I loved… I promised him that I would do whatever and go where ever he wanted me… that night on July 30th, 2016 my life was changed forever. I started walking with the Lord… it hasn’t been easy but it’s been the most rewarding/fulfilling thing I’ve ever done. I spent 8 months at the main U-Turn For Christ ranch in Perris, CA. Six of those months I spent as a Leader/Overseer helping the men. Today I’m helping run the U-Turn For Christ Texas men’s ranch as the Head Overseer with my brother in Christ, Kahiwa who is the director of the program in Texas. God Bless you All!
Chad Randle
Head Overseer